Risk Neutral Valuation
Christian Fries, February 2020.
Some experiments on risk neutral valuation.
Risk Neutral Density (Breeden-Litzenberger Theorem).
Random Numbers
Christian Fries, June 2020.
Small experiments related to the generation of normal distributed random numbers.
Quasi and pseudo random number sequences.
Black-Scholes Model Hedge Simulation GUI
Black-Scholes Model Hedge Simulation
Monte-Carlo Simulation, Bermudan Options, and Algorithmic Differentiation
Christian Fries, February 2020, July 2020.
Some experiments on Monte-Carlo simulation, Bermudan option valuation in a Monte-Carlo simulation and algorithmic differentiation.
Monte-Carlo Simulation
Bermudan Option Valuation in a Monte-Carlo Simulation of Black-Scholes Model
Algorithmic Differentiation and Dependency Injection: Basics with AAD
Algorithmic Differentiation for Forward Sensitivities
Interest Rate Modelling
Christian Fries, February 2021.
Some experiments related to interest rate modelling.
Factor Reduction / Correlated Brownian Motion