Checkout finmath-experiments from git and run maven (mvn
or mvnw
) from
its directory. This will start a JShell.
See Getting Started for details.
In the experiments on the Monte-Carlo simulation a simulation object and a product object has been created and the delta of option has been evaluated using finite difference. Repeat this:
Create the model and its simulation:
import net.finmath.montecarlo.*;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.process.*;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.assetderivativevaluation.*;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.assetderivativevaluation.models.*;
import net.finmath.stochastic.*;
import net.finmath.time.*;
double modelInitialValue = 100.0;
double modelRiskFreeRate = 0.05;
double modelVolatility = 0.20;
// Create a model
var model = new BlackScholesModel(modelInitialValue, modelRiskFreeRate, modelVolatility);
// Create a corresponding MC process
var td = new TimeDiscretizationFromArray(0.0, 300, 0.01);
var brownianMotion = new BrownianMotionFromMersenneRandomNumbers(td, 1, 10000, 3231);
var process = new EulerSchemeFromProcessModel(model, brownianMotion);
// Using the process (Euler scheme), create an MC simulation of a Black-Scholes model
var simulation = new MonteCarloAssetModel(process);
Create the product:
import net.finmath.montecarlo.assetderivativevaluation.products.*;
double maturity = 3.0;
double strike = 106.0;
var europeanOption = new EuropeanOption(maturity, strike);
We like to calculate a finite difference approximation of the partial derivative of the value \( V \) (being europeanOption.getValue(0.0, simulation)
) with respect to \( S_{0} \) (being the initialValue
of simulation
) that is \( \partial V/ \partial S_{0} \approx \frac{V(M(S_0+h))-V(M(S_0-h))}{2h} \) (where \( M(x) \) refers to the model with the initial value \( x \)).
The object simulation
has a method getCloneWithModifiedData(Map)
which allows to create a new simulation with modified data. As argument we pass a Map
of the parameters to modify, in our case
Map.of("initialValue", modelInitialValue+h))
double h = 1E-2;
var valueUpShift = europeanOption.getValue(simulation.getCloneWithModifiedData(Map.of("initialValue", modelInitialValue+h)));
var valueDownShift = europeanOption.getValue(simulation.getCloneWithModifiedData(Map.of("initialValue", modelInitialValue-h)));
var deltaNumerical = (valueUpShift - valueDownShift) / (2 * h);
(and hence to the simulation
): we “inject” a factory creating AD enabled random variables into the model. As a result, the value calculated has the additional method getGradient
The difference of the following experiment is line
RandomVariableFactory randomVariableFactory = new RandomVariableDifferentiableAADFactory();
creating a factory to create AAD enabled RandomVariables, and passing it to the model
var model = new BlackScholesModel(modelInitialValue, modelRiskFreeRate, modelVolatility, randomVariableFactory);
Injecting the factory has the effect that
var valueOfEuropeanOption = (RandomVariableDifferentiable) europeanOption.getValue(0.0, simulation);
returns an object of type RandomVariableDifferentiableAAD
Remark: The code below requires that the object europeanOption
has been initialised. If you haven't done so you can and execute it before.
has been created in Experiment 3)
import net.finmath.montecarlo.*;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.assetderivativevaluation.*;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.assetderivativevaluation.models.*;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.automaticdifferentiation.*;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.automaticdifferentiation.backward.*;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.process.*;
import net.finmath.time.*;
double modelInitialValue = 100.0;
double modelRiskFreeRate = 0.05;
double modelVolatility = 0.20;
RandomVariableFactory randomVariableFactory = new RandomVariableDifferentiableAADFactory();
// Create a model
var model = new BlackScholesModel(modelInitialValue, modelRiskFreeRate, modelVolatility, randomVariableFactory);
// Create a corresponding MC process
var td = new TimeDiscretizationFromArray(0.0, 300, 0.01);
var brownianMotion = new BrownianMotionFromMersenneRandomNumbers(td, 1, 10000, 3231);
var process = new EulerSchemeFromProcessModel(model, brownianMotion);
// Using the process (Euler scheme), create an MC simulation of a Black-Scholes model
var simulation = new MonteCarloAssetModel(process);
var valueOfEuropeanOption = (RandomVariableDifferentiable) europeanOption.getValue(0.0, simulation);
var initialValue = (RandomVariableDifferentiable) model.getInitialValue(process)[0];
var deltaPathwise = valueOfEuropeanOption.getGradient().get(initialValue.getID());
var deltaValue = deltaPathwise.average().doubleValue();
(compare this to the finite difference approximation 0.6736119988879352
The variable deltaPathwise
is the algorithmic differentiation of valueOfEuropeanOption
with respect to the variable initialValue
. It is a path-wise derivative \( \partial V(t_{n},\omega_{k}) / \partial S(t_{0},\omega_{k}) \) (note: the initial value is a deterministic random variable, i.e. \( S(t_{0}, \omega_{k}) \equiv S_{0} \quad \forall k \)). Hence deltaPathwise
is a random variable too - the path wise differentiation of the (discounted) payoff with respect to \( S_{0} \). We may plot this path-wise differentiation:
import net.finmath.plots.*;
var underlying = simulation.getAssetValue(maturity, 0 /* assetIndex */);
var plot = Plots.createHistogramBehindValues(underlying, deltaPathwise, 100 /* bins */, 5.0 /* stddev */);
plot.setTitle("European option path-wise delta and distribution of underlying");
plot.setXAxisLabel("underlying").setYAxisLabel("path-wise delta");;
we use RandomVariableDifferentiableADFactory
, that is AD instead of AAD. The class RandomVariableDifferentiableADFactory
resides in the package
in net.finmath.montecarlo
, while the
class RandomVariableDifferentiableADFactory
resides in
in net.finmath.montecarlo
has been created)
import net.finmath.montecarlo.*;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.assetderivativevaluation.*;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.assetderivativevaluation.models.*;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.automaticdifferentiation.*;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.automaticdifferentiation.forward.*;
import net.finmath.montecarlo.process.*;
import net.finmath.time.*;
double modelInitialValue = 100.0;
double modelRiskFreeRate = 0.05;
double modelVolatility = 0.20;
RandomVariableFactory randomVariableFactory = new RandomVariableDifferentiableADFactory();
// Create a model
var model = new BlackScholesModel(modelInitialValue, modelRiskFreeRate, modelVolatility, randomVariableFactory);
// Create a corresponding MC process
var td = new TimeDiscretizationFromArray(0.0, 300, 0.01);
var brownianMotion = new BrownianMotionFromMersenneRandomNumbers(td, 1, 10000, 3231);
var process = new EulerSchemeFromProcessModel(model, brownianMotion);
// Using the process (Euler scheme), create an MC simulation of a Black-Scholes model
var simulation = new MonteCarloAssetModel(process);
var valueOfEuropeanOption = (RandomVariableDifferentiable) europeanOption.getValue(0.0, simulation);
var initialValue = (RandomVariableDifferentiable) model.getInitialValue(process)[0];
var deltaPathwise = valueOfEuropeanOption.getGradient().get(initialValue.getID());
var deltaValue = deltaPathwise.average().doubleValue();
(identical to the AAD implementation).