finmath smart derivative contracts
Algorithms and methodologies related to smart derivative contracts.
The finmath smart-derivative-contract project provides open source implementations of methodologies related to smart derivative contracts in Java and Solidity.
The projects contain multiple parts: documentation, schema definitions (XML), demo code, valuation oracle.
For a technical/mathematical description of the concept of a smart derivative contract see
For non-technical description see the articles section.
Standards (Protocols)
For details see the solidity page.
ERC-6123 Smart Derivative Contract
ERC-7573 Secure Delivery-versus-Payment
See ERC 7573.
Visualization and Demonstration
The package net.finmath.smartcontract.demo
contains a visualization of a smart derivative contract.
This is a Java FX application. Run VisualiserSDC
or scripts/
Valuation Service (ReST service)
You may also run the valuation service through our Docker image (see below).
If you like to run the the valuation service locally from this repository, running mvn spring-boot:run
runnning net.finmath.smartcontract.service.Appplication
starts a
ReST service providing a valuation oracle.
Username and password are configured in the application.yml
. Default values are user1
and password1
Swagger UI for the ReST Enpoints
Once the service is running, a swappger UI is available under http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
Simple UI for the Endpoints
A simple UI is provided under https://localhost:8080
The enpoint https://localhost:8080/valuation/value
allows the valuation of a financial product under given market
The enpoint https://localhost:8080/valuation/margin
allows the calculation of the settlement amount between two market
data sets.
The market data has to be provided as a JSON. The product data as to be provided as an XML (containing a part being an FPML of the underlying product).
See also api.yml
The endpoint value calculates the value of a financial product with given market data.
The endpoint parameters are
- product P
- market data M
- valuation time t (see note below)
Note: The valuation time t is currently taken from the market data set M
The result is the value
- V(P,M,t)
Note: The valuation time t is currently taken from the market data set M1
The enpoint parameters are
- product P
- market data M0 (market data at previous margin call or initial valuation)
- market data M1 (market data for margin call)
- valuation time t (see note below)
The result is the value
- M(P,M0,M1,t) = V(P,M1,t) - V(P,M0,t)
Note: The valuation time t is currently taken from the market data set M1
Valuation Library
The underlying valuation library is finmath lib.
Settlement Amount Oracle and Valuation Oracle
The package
contains the interface describing a so called oracle providing the
settlement amount for a smart derivative contract. The package contains also an implementation for interest rate swaps.
State Machine Model for a Smart Derivative Contract
The package net.finmath.smartcontract.statemachine
contains a simple state machine modeling a smart derivative
This part may be somewhat outdated as we did not reflect recent changes to the Solidity implementation in the
state machine, but it still contains the main ideas.
Financial Product Description
The smart derivative contract is described in terms of the sdc.xml.
For a sample XML and the XSD see resources/net/finmath/smartcontract/product/xml
Docker: Running Valuation Service
See Valuation Service.
Docker: Building the Docker Container
See Docker Build.
Developer Resources
Languages and Build
The project requires Java 17 or better.
The Maven build file is provide. Import the project as Maven project.
finmath smart-derivative-contract is distributed through the central maven repository. It's coordinates are:
Coding Conventions
We follow losely the Eclipse coding conventions, which are a minimal modification of the original Java coding conventions. See
We deviate in some places. See coding conventions for details.
The code is distributed under the Apache License version 2.0, unless otherwise explicitly stated.