Class FloatingPriceLeg


public class FloatingPriceLeg extends FinancialSwapLeg
Floating Price Leg of a Commodity Swap. Each 'floatingLeg' defines a series of financial payments for a commodity the value of which is derived from a floating price such as an exchange or an index publication.

Java class for FloatingPriceLeg complex type.

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

 <complexType name="FloatingPriceLeg">
     <extension base="{}FinancialSwapLeg">
         <group ref="{}CommodityCalculationPeriods.model"/>
         <element name="commodity" type="{}Commodity"/>
         <group ref="{}CommodityNotionalQuantity.model"/>
         <element name="calculation" type="{}FloatingLegCalculation"/>
         <group ref="{}CommodityPaymentDates.model"/>
         <group ref="{}CommodityFreightFlatRate.model" minOccurs="0"/>