Uses of Class
Uses of Frequency in net.finmath.smartcontract.product.xml
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A type defining the frequency at which calculation period end dates occur within the regular part of the calculation period schedule and thier roll date convention.class
A parametric representation of the Calculation Periods for on Asian option or a leg of a swap.class
Java class for GenericFrequency complex type.class
Java class for GenericResetFrequency complex type.class
A type defining the reset frequency.Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected Frequency
protected Frequency
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionObjectFactory.createFrequency()
Create an instance ofFrequency
Gets the value of the paymentFrequency property.NotionalStepRule.getStepFrequency()
Gets the value of the stepFrequency property.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionjakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement
<Frequency> ObjectFactory.createCommodityAmericanExerciseExerciseFrequency
(Frequency value) jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement
<Frequency> ObjectFactory.createCommodityEuropeanExerciseExerciseFrequency
(Frequency value) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionjakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement
<Frequency> ObjectFactory.createCommodityAmericanExerciseExerciseFrequency
(Frequency value) jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement
<Frequency> ObjectFactory.createCommodityEuropeanExerciseExerciseFrequency
(Frequency value) void
(Frequency value) Sets the value of the paymentFrequency property.void
(Frequency value) Sets the value of the stepFrequency property.