Uses of Class
Packages that use NonRecurringFeePayment
Uses of NonRecurringFeePayment in net.finmath.smartcontract.product.xml
Subclasses of NonRecurringFeePayment in net.finmath.smartcontract.product.xmlModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A fee charged to the borrower for an amendment being made to the originally agreed credit agreement.class
A fee calculated as the cost of breaking financing against a loan contract which is repaid early.class
This fee represents any fee paid by the borrower to the syndicate lenders for extending an existing facility.class
A fee associated with the funding requirements for given facility.class
An event describing a non-recurring fee being paid at either the loan contract or facility level.class
This fee is also known as Participation Fee, Arrangement Fee etc.class
This fee represents a payment made by the borrower to the syndicate lenders for processing and accepting a waiver request.Fields in net.finmath.smartcontract.product.xml with type parameters of type NonRecurringFeePaymentModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement<? extends NonRecurringFeePayment>
Methods in net.finmath.smartcontract.product.xml that return types with arguments of type NonRecurringFeePaymentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionjakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement<NonRecurringFeePayment>
ObjectFactory.createFacilityFeePaymentGroup(NonRecurringFeePayment value)
jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement<? extends NonRecurringFeePayment>
Gets the value of the facilityFeePaymentGroup property.Methods in net.finmath.smartcontract.product.xml with parameters of type NonRecurringFeePaymentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionjakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement<NonRecurringFeePayment>
ObjectFactory.createFacilityFeePaymentGroup(NonRecurringFeePayment value)
Method parameters in net.finmath.smartcontract.product.xml with type arguments of type NonRecurringFeePaymentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
NonRecurringFeePaymentNotification.setFacilityFeePaymentGroup(jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement<? extends NonRecurringFeePayment> value)
Sets the value of the facilityFeePaymentGroup property.